Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Woo Hoo!

It was a big group last night (a baker's dozen!) and a great evening. There were some beautiful drawings created of Anna Page's graceful poses. All of you make Figure Drawing in Fredericksburg possible ... the wonderful artists who come each week and our magnificent models. We're so lucky to have this opportunity.

I want to remind everyone that Figure Drawing will be cancelled, Monday, May 21st

Linda will be posing for us on May 28th. Please bring your work for the library show to the session (on the 28th) for review. The art work will need to be delivered to the library atrium before 10:00 a.m. on June 1st and we'll need to see what we're hanging beforehand. I'll be sending out an email for the library guidelines.

There's a lot to plan for in our near future ... more wet session at the Purina Tower, a Figure Show at Sara Irby's Studio in August and our 2nd anniversary of  Figure Drawing. We'll tackle it all as soon I'm back in the burg. 

Anita Holle
Barbara Deal
Brian Burgess 
Brian Burgess
Bruce Day
(1 minute poses)
Bruce Day 
Bruce Day 
Susan Ohle
Ed King  
Ed King 
Ed King 
Jenna Anderson 
Jenna Anderson 
Karen Julihn
Karen Julihn
Nicole Hamilton
Susan Ishii
Susan Ishii

artists maintain the copyright to all images posted

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