Sunday, June 30, 2013

Rained out ... maybe?

If it's raining (as predicted) tomorrow night, we'll be at the Unitarian Fellowship. I'll email or text those invited - just to let you know exactly where we'll be. 

K.W. will be posing on Monday, July 8th and K.C. will be posing on Monday, July 15th. Hope to see you then.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Forget Your Troubles ...

Last night's session was the perfect antidote to a pretty terrible weekend. I spent all of Monday just waiting to draw, connect with friends, try not to think and disappear into my work. It was such a wonderful, mellow night ... and allowed all of that to happen.

It's funny how sometimes things just "click", every line seems to land in the right spot, every nuance of the model's pose appears on the paper and ... ahhh ... you lose yourself. If only I could break the code to get to that place every single time. Peter Steinhart said in his book Undressed Art: Why We Draw, that drawing from the nude model is an "act of discovery" and a "way of seeing" that nurtures our innate "human need to look deeply and expressively," especially at each other.

Janet posed so beautifully and is the quintessential artist's muse. She'll be posing for us this week and it will be a closed session. I'll be emailing details.

Barbara Deal
Barbara Deal
Anita Holle
Anita Holle 
Ed King 
Ed King 
Ed King 
Sally Rhone-Kubarek 
Sally Rhone-Kubarek 
Sam Szymanski
Sam Szymanski
Sam Szymanski
Susan Ohle
Susan Ishii
Sam Ishii
Susan Ishii

artists maintain the copyright to all images posted

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Coming and Going

The work from our June 10th session shows what a wonderful time we had. It was a light, relaxing and yet, very focused evening. Our thanks to Les for being in the 'burg and bringing us his fantastic poses. 

We'll be drawing Janet on Monday June 24th. I hope to see everyone there!

Anita Holle
Bruce Day
Bruce Day
Bruce Day
Ed King
Ed King
Ed King
Ed King
Sally Rhone-Kubarek
Sam Szymanski
Sam Szymanski
Sam Szymanski
Susan Ohle
Susan Ishii

artists maintain the copyright to all images posted

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Taking a Break

There's a bit of construction at the church this week so there will be No Drawing on June 17th. I'll post the drawings from last week in a day or two and let you know who we'll be drawing on Monday, June 24th. Have a good week everyone!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Why Life Drawing?

A good turnout and a great model on Monday. Many thanks to Janet, a great, great model and we're so lucky to have her pose for us. We welcomed a new artist and had a wonderful night of drawing. 

Here are a few reasons to make Figure Drawing part of your regular routine from "11 Reasons for Drawing Models & Attending Life Drawing Sessions":

Maintaining the practice (& discipline) of the artist   Drawing the figure from life on a regular basis keeps an artist's visual & spatial abilities in good form.

Improve overall drawing skills   "If you can draw the figure, you can draw anything" is the oft-repreated (& very true) adage. There are lessons in foreshortening, movement, weight, anatomical and structural complexity.

An Authentic Experience in a Digital Era   In an electronic age of increasing disassociation from authentic sensation, the direct experience of drawing from the live, human subject yields important insights unattainable by other means.

Better Than Photographs   Photos are static, momentary documents that lock in a pose from a single, monocular position; the photo does not offer the subtle variations in vantage point possible when working from life that enable an artist to grasp the three-dimensional form of the body. 

Draw Better From Photographs (and Memory)  
Frequent practice with drawing the life  model imparts knowledge; successful observational drawing is not simply about seeing, but understanding what is seen.

Learn From Others   Drawing with a group offers variety of approaches to a single subject. Most attendees, some of whom are accomplished professionals, will be happy to share information about their working methods and if requested, to comment or give advice on another's drawing.

Network with Other Artists   Attending artist's drawing groups is an excellent way to access one's local art scene and make important contacts.

... not to mention the support, camaraderie, and friendship.

Les will pose for the group on Monday, June 10th

Susan Ohle 
Susan Ohle
Matt Austin
Matt Austin
Anita Holle
Sam Szymanski
Sam Szymanski 
Sam Szymanski 
Sam Szymanski 
Sam Szymanski
Bruce Day
Bruce Day
Bruce Day 
Ed King
Ed King
Susan Ishii  
Susan Ishii

artists maintain the copyright to all images posted