Sunday, January 26, 2014

Take Note

Another great session and our thanks to Emily for wonderful poses. I hope to get some pictures moving … I promise to work on it ... this week!?

Thank you to all those who continue to support life drawing in Fredericksburg.

Just a quick reminder - K.C. will be posing for us on Monday, Jan. 27th and there will be NO drawing on Feb. 3rd.

Susan Ishii

Susan Ohle

Katya Kirsten

Anita Holle

Bruce Day

Becky Yates
Sam Szymanski
Ed King

Sunday, January 19, 2014


A good session with a great model last week. The new space is already starting to feel like home. I think it has everything we've been longing for - open, clean, good light, in town - it's just so perfect. 

Emily will be posing for us on Monday, Jan. 20th.
K.C. will be posing on Monday, Jan. 27th.
No drawing on Monday, Feb. 3rd.

The following drawings, from Monday's session, are by Sally Rhone-Kubarek.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Settling In

We had a big crowd for our first session at Dragonfly Yoga. I can see that there will be a few adjustments that will have to be made. I suggest everyone show up close to 7:30, or even a teeny bit later - as we have to wait until the last yoga session has ended.

It's amazing how much a change in venue can affect drawing. I know I will definitely need some time to settle into my "zone". I think I'll make a few changes for the model as well - no more middle of the room - someone always ends up with an impossible pose - or no pose at all.

Thank you to all who came to draw and to Sarah for her great poses. Hope to see you at drawing on Jan. 13th!
Ed King
Carolyn Cameron
Sally Rhone-Kubarek
Sally Rhone-Kubarek
Sally Rhone-Kubarek 
Sam Szymanski

Sunday, January 5, 2014

just a reminder

We'll be drawing Sarah on Monday, January 6th at Dragonfly Yoga Studio (behind Jabberwocky) at 810 Caroline Street. The session will be starting at 7:30 pm and we'll draw until 10:00. Hope to see you there to try out this great new space!